Cold-Stretch Reduction Small Diameter W-10 / W-15 Tube Mill from Yoder

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Download our brochure to learn more about the Yoder Cold-Stretch Reduction Small Diameter W-10 / W-15 Tube MillIn response to the increasing world wide demand for small diameter (i.e., 0.188″ to 0.375″ OD) steel tube for both refrigeration and automotive purposes, Yoder can provide equipment for production of these tubes. Since 1992, complete Yoder Cold-Stretch Reduction Small Diameter W-10 / W-15 Tube Mill Systems have been supplied to Turkey, China (2 lines), South Africa, and the United States. This U.S. line may be the first new mill of its type installed domestically in the last fifteen years.

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Learn more about the Yoder Cold-Stretch Reduction Small Diameter W-10 / W-15 Tube Mill

Yoder Cold-Stretch Reduction Small Diameter W-10 / W-15 Tube Mill

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